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Our customers are industry leaders across the board who use our services to optimize their most complicated procedures.


What unites our customers is the need for a reliable global logistics partner who not only brings technology to the table but also caters them with expertise and diligence. We pride ourselves on providing the same level of service to all of our partners— small companies and multinational conglomerates, alike.


We contract with independent sales agents with already-existing industry connections and a burning desire to work independently to take their careers to the next level with a performance-based income.

Agent Forwarders

With a large network of agents in over 180 countries, Freight Right is continuously promoting like-minded forwarders who are at the forefront of the digitalization of logistics.


The majority of our business comes from our reselling partners, who receive wholesale pricing, industry expertise, and an unparalleled level of customer service. Our specialized Inside Sales and Support teams provide instant rates to over 70 countries. By partnering with Freight Right, you can immediately start shipping your LCL and FCL goods internationally via air, ocean, or intermodal transport.


Freight Right works with some of the most prominent freight marketplaces and provides them with rates and tracking integrations.